Complete Local Moving Checklist

8 minute read
Reading Time: 8 minutes

You are just getting ready for your upcoming move, and after realizing how many tasks and responsibilities you have, you can’t keep up with them. After researching every side of google to find an answer, you are here asking how you can keep up with all those tasks and not lose your mind.

Moving is a stressful process that requires time and dedication, not to mention how you have to plan everything and organize everything until you finally move. That is why a moving checklist is a great way to stay organized during your move, and it will keep you from forgetting something really important. 

Checklist in a notebook

Moving Your Home and Furniture Requires a Lot of Planning Beforehand

The checklist should contain everything you need to do before your move, and even after it. It should contain important information such as when you will start packing, decluttering, shop for packing material, arrange everything at your new place, etc. If you have all of that written down in your notebook or laptop, there is no way you can forget something important and risk your move. 

Don’t overwhelm yourself too much, so split your tasks into a multi day thing. You can start with a time frame of two months before and finish with tasks you need to do after you move. Once you finish a task, scratch it out and move on to the next one. It’s going to be so much easier to have everything in one place and just scratch it once you’re done.

We know moving can be exciting and stressful and we want to make sure you don’t forget to do anything in the process. Use this checklist below and stay confident that you’ll cover all you’ll need to do before and during your move:

Woman packing her stuff

Two months before the furniture move: 

Get packing material

You can order boxes for free, get them in your local supermarket, or just buy them from furniture movers near you. You can also ask your friends and family if they have some boxes from their previous move to give away. 

Get estimates

Not one, get a couple of them. Later on, you will compare estimates and choose a moving company that best fits you and your moving needs.

Sort through your belongings

Make a list of everything that needs to be moved. That will help you get a more accurate estimate, and it will make your life easier when the time comes to unpack. 

Schedule furniture movers near you

Once you compare estimates and choose a moving company to go with, place yourself on the schedule. It’s better to do it as soon as possible, especially if you are moving in the peak of a moving season in summer months. There is no reason to wait if you are sure that the moving company is the one you want. 


One month before the move: 


Make a keep, throw, sell section at your packing station and divide your items into three categories. You can organize a garage sale, or donate items to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. 

Start packing

Start with packing your least used items, like old bedsheets, dishes you won’t use, winter or summer clothes depending on the season, old toys, Christmas decorations, and any other least used items.

Arrange updates for your new home

If you just bought the place, arrange painters, builders, remodel your home so it can be finished by the time your move date comes. 

Arrange time off work

Just imagine the scenario where your move date arrives and you have to work. Make sure you let your boss know in time, to ensure you have that day off.

Reserve the elevator

If you’re moving to an apartment building with an elevator, make sure you reserve it on time for your move date. Check with your building if they require a reservation for the elevator to be used for your move, and reserve it on time.

Arrange storage space

Your new home could be under renovations or there could be a waiting period before you can take complete possession. Lease space for short term storage of your heavy appliances or other valuable equipment. Usually moving companies offer storage space at discounted prices; it is always good to check with the movers before booking.

garage sale

Two weeks before the move: 

Organize a garage sale or make a trip to a donation center

This is the best time to do it in order to finish everything on time. Whatever you don’t sell or you can’t donate, organize a trip to a disposal firm and get rid of those belongings. Less stuff, cheaper move. 

Arrange a parking spot

Make sure you get a parking spot for your movers close to the entrance of your home. 

Do research on items

Find items that can be moved or ones that may require extra time and effort. Some heavy appliances are fitted and are extremely difficult to move. You can also give a call to your moving company and check if they are willing to move that item for you.

Packing into a box

One week before the move

Finish packing

Since most of your stuff is packed, donated or sold, the best time to finish packing would be a week before your move. This is one part of your moving checklist, which needs the most attention. Everything you are taking with you should be put in the boxes, taped, shut and marked with the items it bears. Pack your suitcase for enough clothes to wear for a few days.

Clean your new apartment

Use this situation and go do a deep clean of your new apartment while it’s empty.

Confirm utilities

Notify the primary agencies about your move and get the cut-off dates set for cable, gas, electricity, water and garbage. Likewise, you may want to follow up with your utility agencies about the activation date at your new place.

Clean your fridge

It’s important to clean out your fridge of the remaining food. Moving companies usually don’t move food, so have everything ready by the time of your move. Clean the refrigerator and defrost it at least 24 hours before moving day, if you are taking it with you. Make sure it is entirely empty and clean.

Submit a change of address

You really don’t want all those bank statements, bills, and any other important documents arriving at your old address.

Let everyone know that you’re moving

Prepare a list to alert the relevant parties that you are moving, especially, banks, brokerage firms, your company’s human resource department, magazine and newspapers you subscribe to, insurance and utility companies.

worried woman surrounded by boxes

One day before the move:

Pack an essential box

You don’t want to be caught searching endlessly for your hair brush or toothpaste. One day before the move, pack an essentials box and keep it in your car so it doesn’t get lost in the moving process. 

Confirm everything with your movers

Give them a call one day prior to your move and confirm everything once again. The date, the time, their rates, and anything else you discussed with them.

Confirm elevator reservations

Confirm with your building that the elevator is reserved for your move.

Confirm everything at your new place

Make sure utilities are set up, that the place is clean and organized, and ready for your furniture. 

Cleaning wooden floor

On the day of the move:

Clean your old apartment

Once the movers finish moving you, go back and do a deep clean of your old apartment, especially if someone is moving in right after you.

Take a walk and check your place

Do a walkthrough and make sure you or your movers didn’t forget anything. 

Guide your movers

Help them understand what kind of service you require, communicate with them and guide them through your home. Take a walk, check the rooms, and help your apartment movers to put everything where it belongs.

2 women unpacking

After the move:


Once you settle in, unpack your belongings, and instead of throwing away good quality boxes, give them away to someone who will use them. You can donate them on Facebook, or you can wait for someone you know to move and give them boxes. 

Change your address

It’s important to change your address even before the move. But if you don’t have the time, you can do it after the move is finished. Change the address on your driving license, car insurance, government insurance program, etc.

Leave a review

If you liked your movers, leave them a good review. Moving companies live and survive on word of mouth, so you will help them build trust with other customers. Tell what services you liked the most or what part you didn’t like. This will help the company improve its service and customer experience. 

Host a little get-together

You are finally in your new home, and it’s pretty exciting. You started a new chapter in your life, moved away and it’s time to enjoy life. Invite friends, family and coworkers to your new home for a cozy housewarming party and have lots of fun. 

These are just the most common things your checklist should contain. If you have a different move, different tasks will be needed to get done, so write your own checklist and follow it. Once the checklist is complete, start with completing your tasks on it. It’s important to play this step by step, and to take things slow. Haste makes waste, and that is definitely something you don’t need.

schedule planner

While Moving Your Furniture, Remember

Another great thing to have when you’re moving is a moving schedule. In order to remember all those important dates and phone numbers, create a calendar schedule and check in it to remember a certain point. Imagine what a funny day would be if you forgot that your move is scheduled for a certain date, and the movers show up while you’re still in your pajamas.

Or if you forget your elevator reservation and the movers will have to use stairs, which at the end can result in additional fees. The easiest thing would be to make a moving schedule and as soon as you schedule something, write it down.  

What a furniture moving schedule should look like:

  • Your moving date;
  • Elevator reservation;
  • Utilities numbers and reservations;
  • Number of furniture movers near you;
  • Packing date and plan;
  • Packing supplies shopping date;
  • Inventory list for your move;

A moving checklist and a moving schedule is a must have when you’re moving. Without it, you can get lost in the process and forget important details in regards to your move. Even if you decide to move by yourself, it’s still useful to have a checklist in order to keep track of your tasks and responsibilities.